Introduction from the President

Our company started to manufacture of “Ultra jin” lenses and filters for eye protector, which cut ultra violet rays in 1950. Then 10 years later in 1960 we successfully developed beam-style safety devices for press machines. Since then we have been growing in 2 main business areas: protective safety glasses and accessories for industrial use, and safety devices and peripheral equipment for press machines.
We deeply appreciate the support of our clients and business associates, which has enabled us to reach our position today.
Since the founding of the company our consistent policy has been to increase the safety and confidence of people at work. We always listen to our customers’ issues and problems, and then try to resolve them. This strength of our company will remain unchanged into the future.
Riken Optech will continue to work hard to support clients and society in general through these 2 business areas.
As a company we will keeping doing our utmost to achieve positive things for the world, so please do continue to support us.
Maiko Misu
Executive President